iFusionFoundation is seeking individuals that are at the top of their industries to serve as mentors and give back to society. We recognize success is not always the science of doing something but the art of how to do it. Mentors serve to provide this important aspect in professionally and personally developing protégés


We are looking for mentors to share insights into what it takes to be successful for a given industry as well as show the steps needed that someone should take. We are open to mentors in all industries including, business, technology, medicine, legal, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, film, music and more. Your efforts have made huge differences in the lives of so many and we invite qualified mentors to join us in this effort especially in these challenging times of COVID-19.


Fill out our contact form to get started. One of our coaches will reach out to discuss the opportunities you have, budget, scope and timeline. We then send great candidates to hit the ground running, it’s that simple. The investments you make in this program are100% tax deductible and go towards supporting this important work.

As a corporate sponsor of this program you will have the opportunity to contract with one of our training affiliates in order to find the right match. Once the individual is brought on, together we will continually work with them to achieve success . It's like hiring a team of people for the cost of an individual. Our goal is to help them master the skills necessary to becoming an invaluable asset to your organization.

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