About iFusion Foundation


iFusion Foundation was founded by passionate entrepreneurs and parents seeking to help improve the world around us through advances in gender equality, education, and innovation. Our board consists of leading technology executives, incredible women entrepreneurs, and out-of-the-box thinkers who all share a common passion for these challenges. We have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that the education system, diversity and inclusion, along with technology innovation, can have when aligned and optimized, not only in the industry but globally.
We aimed to create a nonprofit organization that would have the reach, flexibility, and freedom of creativity to tackle these problems through innovative thinking. The foundation operates with the support of passionate volunteers who are dedicated to making a difference, donors who believe in our mission, and corporate sponsors who are committed to contributing to the world and improving their business.


Initiatives such as these are made possible through your support and donations. Be a part of the impact and get involved. Donate today! Your generosity continues to have a ripple effect helping to improve the world around us and helping people turn great ideas into impactful solutions.




A study by Girls Who Code found that just 24% of computing jobs are held by women.

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According to a report by McKinsey & Company, women hold only 37% of entry-level positions in STEM fields, and the percentage decreases at each level of advancement.

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A study by the National Science Foundation found that men are more likely than women to be employed in STEM occupations across all age groups, but the gap is smaller among younger workers.

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The Girls Who Code organization reports that 90% of Girls Who Code alumni are majoring or planning to major in computer science or a related field, indicating that early exposure to STEM education can help close the gender gap.

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It is no secret that there is a huge gender gap when it comes to those who are given opportunities in top industries. There are many challenges that have positioned women and girls to have limited opportunities to excel in their education, employment, and family financial decisions. Some of the areas contributing to this inequality are things like lack of equal representations, restrictive corporate culture, gaps in raising aspirations of young girls, inability to empower mothers, failing to give proper value to what work women do, education framework not being gender sensitive.


Studies have concluded that $12 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2025 by advancing women’s equality as reported by the McKinsey Global Institute. (McKinsey Institute)

In order to do so, however, the public, private, and social sectors would need to work together not only to close gender gaps in work but also in society. The technology industry has failed a 25 year challenge to achieve gender equality by 2020. In order to inspire change in this ongoing challenge, our initiatives help solve inequalities in industries by encouraging women into non traditional vocations, creating opportunities for young girl to get exposure to STEAM education, backing projects and programs around women in technology initiatives, and working with corporate organizations to create opportunities and open doors for amazing talent.


Create and Support Opportunities
Supporting individual women by backing projects and programs that they are passionate about.
When it comes to gender equality, iFusion Foundation creates opportunities for women to demonstrate their hidden confidence and potential through mentorship and training.
Seeking partnerships with organization that share similar synergies to expand the opportunities to close the gender gap in different industries. Current partnerships have helped inspire young women to pursue STEM related careers, and create pathways for young mothers to purse a career change.
DNI Initiatives and Policies
Culture change, sense of bias in technology industry. Take males more seriously than women. Stereotype women aren't as educated or experienced as men. Creating the right opportunities and mentoring approach.

Steam Education


Every day, we help families, individuals, and employers navigate the complex
healthcare system and improve their quality of life.

A study by Microsoft found that 69% of hiring managers in the U.S. consider proficiency in STEM skills to be the most important factor when hiring.

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A report by the World Bank found that only 6% of adults in low-income countries have the necessary skills to use computers effectively, highlighting the need for education systems to focus on digital literacy.

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A survey by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found that only 28% of employers believe that recent college graduates have the necessary skills to advance in their careers.

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A report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) found that 65% of children entering primary school today will work in jobs that do not exist yet, highlighting the need for education systems to adapt and prepare students for a rapidly changing workforce.

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Over the last 300 years human society has evolved from using a horse and carriage to self driving electric cars. That is a remarkable level of evolution and technology advancement, however the school system has not evolved at the same velocity. Much of today's education system is still structured very similar to what it has always been for the most part. We believe if society is going to overcome its social economic technology and wellness challenges, then our education system must equally evolve at the same velocity to meet that challenges head on.


As a society must focus more on human intelligence and not just academic intelligence. We must incorporate a different way of teaching and learning with a basis in STEAM and innovation to enable the ability to see the world for what it is and not just through the lense of traditional academic constraints. iFusionFoundation has supported a wide variety of work in this area including incorporating STEAM education, multiple learning styles, technologies in the traditional classroom, and philosophies around inner engineering to create an entirely new approach to teaching. The goal of this approach is to develop and highlight natural abilities and aptitude that each student has and focus them in key areas to help drive a lifelong passion with meaningful career opportunities.


S.T.E.A.M. Certification Program
Giving local students the opportunity to undergo an advanced one-of-a-kind six month program that teaches them high level STEAM concepts. Students present their final STEAM projects to the Mayor of Corona and are recognized with a certificate confirming their new skills.
Snap the Gap
In collaboration with UC Davis and Snap the Gap, this program was created in an effort to bridge the gender gap in STEM related fields. Snap the Gap encourages young girls to learn through physical play, turn their ideas into inventions, and solve problems they care about. This program is an initiative that uses three proven components to impact the STEM opportunity gap: experiential learning with STEM inventor kits, mentorship, and expanded learning opportunities.
After-School STEAM Club
In partnership with Futurelink, iFusion Foundation has been able to provide free vouchers for local schools to provide after school STEAM clubs. This initiative was designed to build a community where kids collaborate, share inquisitive ideas, and build social skills with hands-on activities and project based learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. This club inspires innovation through critical thinking, problem solving, and inquiry-based learning.

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Technology Innovation

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The world continues to have new tech emerging everyday from industry, academia, and government, including advances in artificial intelligence, IoT, mobile communications, and biomedical engineering. Most recently some of these advances have helped develop the vaccines for COVID-19 in an incredibly accelerated timeline. However, few institutions have the time or resources to investigate such long-shot opportunities when it comes to some of our greatest challenges.


iFusion Foundation is uniquely positioned to explore the universe of potentially valuable technologies and make targeted, short-term investments to investigate the viability of applying them to major challenges in environment, healthcare, gender equality, education, space exploration, biology, artificial intelligence and other emerging areas. We support women business visionaries in a variety of capacities including angel funding, mentoring, business guidance, strategy sessions, networking and more.